Bangor Beautiful.

Creating and cultivating projects to beautify Bangor, Maine.

Make An Impact!

What We Do

A nonprofit driven to beautify Bangor

Bangor Beautiful was founded in 2022 with a mission of making Bangor a more beautiful place to live through public art, trees and gardens, and other beautification efforts.

The nonprofit was founded by artists and community members who have volunteered for projects around the city over the last decade, from planting hundreds of flowers and trees to creating the popular "Greetings from Bangor, Maine," "Paul B., Bangor Wants You," and Kenduskeag Stream Trail murals.



Our first major project was the installation of a multi-story bee mural in Downtown Bangor during the summer of 2023. The Good of the Hive is a global art project founded by artist Matt Willey to raise awareness about the collapse of bee populations around the world by hand painting 50,000 bees, the number in a healthy hive.

Be Part of a Brighter Bangor

You can help us bring our next project to life through volunteering your time, attending a committee meeting, or making a tax-deductible donation.